Sunday, February 27, 2011

Still a kid at heart

We decided to go for a drive up the canyon this afternoon.  It was such a nice day today with the sun shining and the temperatures not too cold.  So Kyle and I drove in his truck up to Snowbird ski resort, it is a beautiful drive and only about 20 minutes away.  When we arrived at the resort we pulled into a circle by one of the lodges to turn around.  As usual, Kyle could not help himself driving into the mound of snow, he thinks the truck can go over anything.  Well not knowing the level of the ground under the snow, the layers of ice under the snow, and not having a large area to turn around, we-I mean Kyle proceeded to get stuck!  We tried to think back if this had ever happened to him before.  I remember trying to drive while Kyle pushed the car and I remember doing the pushing while he drove to get a car out.  We could not remember the last time he had to have someone come and pull him out.  I was getting quite the laugh out of it.  Once we were out of the big holes Kyle created I could see why we were stuck..
Does not look too bad in this picture
Kyle in the hole the tire made

1 comment:

  1. Seriously Jamie this is hilarious! And RJ loves his truck, p.s.
